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Integer eu rhoncus ante

Integer eu rhoncus ante

Integer eu rhoncus ante

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer eu rhoncus ante, eget aliquam erat. Morbi justo enim, interdum a sapien vitae, auctor lobortis sapien. Nulla facilisi. Integer vel felis id lectus faucibus pretium. Sed suscipit nunc id lectus scelerisque ultrices. Vestibulum vestibulum auctor felis quis interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla feugiat nibh libero, ac varius libero euismod vulputate. Proin tortor ligula, hendrerit eu ultrices ut, viverra a mi. Vivamus vulputate, lorem eget malesuada scelerisque, sem velit feugiat nisl, et ultricies urna lectus eget risus. Phasellus dui dolor, aliquet aliquam luctus eu, laoreet eu velit. Etiam varius laoreet nibh et viverra. Curabitur non lorem quis elit iaculis pretium et vitae arcu. Donec eget ligula tellus.

Integer eu rhoncus ante

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer eu rhoncus ante, eget aliquam erat. Morbi justo enim, interdum a sapien vitae, auctor lobortis sapien. Nulla facilisi. Integer vel felis id lectus faucibus pretium. Sed suscipit nunc id lectus scelerisque ultrices. Vestibulum vestibulum auctor felis quis interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla feugiat nibh libero, ac varius libero euismod vulputate. Proin tortor ligula, hendrerit eu ultrices ut, viverra a mi. Vivamus vulputate, lorem eget malesuada scelerisque, sem velit feugiat nisl, et ultricies urna lectus eget risus. Phasellus dui dolor, aliquet aliquam luctus eu, laoreet eu velit. Etiam varius laoreet nibh et viverra. Curabitur non lorem quis elit iaculis pretium et vitae arcu. Donec eget ligula tellus.

Back in 1989, the first time I got on the Internet, at that time I was still pretty young. I didn’t go to college so I had to find a stable job for myself. I never found what I was into and what I could do well for a living. I tried and got rejected so many times.

Google and Facebook weren’t even around as well at that time. One day in 1999, I suddenly had this idea of creating a website that introduce my handmade projects, providing not only handcraft lessons but also selling stuff to earn some money for myself.

Sale Banner Image
Sale Banner Image
Sale Banner Image
Sale Banner Image
Sale Banner Image

Then I got to learn about how to start a website on my own. I created a website called leartshandmade.com. I spent years developing it, teaching HTML to myself, networking with in-field professionals, and growing it into a profitable business.

Throughout the years, I cooperated with plenty of craft companies to grow my website. I had worked as the craft expert for Miimo Studio (miimo.thememove.com), and created fun crafts for kids from 2009-2016. Also, I have self-published many online magazines, including ForHer.mag.com, LiveLife.com & ForEverYoung.net.

The Threeh

Mỗi món quà đều có những ý nghĩa khác nhau. Có những món quà chỉ thuần túy mang ý nghĩa tinh thần. Có những món quà khiến ta vui sướng, có những món quà làm ta ấm lòng… Có những món quà chỉ khiến ta lưu tâm trong chốc lát nhưng cũng có những món quà ta mang theo suốt cả cuộc đời.